Bookings for March are open!
Whether you want to join us for the full retreat, or just a day pass please book in advance to avoid disappointment (and keep the caterers happy).
March 28th-31st – Full Retreat
$ 450 per person (shared accommodation)
$ 575 per person (private accommodation)
March Workshops:
Intro to Needle Felting (2D) (half day workshop – Monday morning)
Needle Felting in 3D (half day workshop – Monday afternoon)
Price to be confirmed, includes all materials
Yarn Dyeing with Pinky (half day workshop – Wednesday morning)
$55 per person, plus yarn. It is recommended to have at least one ball of BWM Luxury in Frost, either 4 or 8 ply. This can be purchased from the store prior to the retreat.
Beginners Calligraphy (half day workshop – Wednesday morning)
$75 per person, includes all materials
Beginners Quilting (half day workshop – Tuesday morning)
$45 per person, includes materials. BYO Sewing Machine
Beginners Crochet (half day workshop – Wednesday afternoon)
$30 per person, plus hooks and yarn. You are welcome to BYO hooks and yarn, or purchase separately at the retreat.
Please note: workshops must be booked in advance as all workshops will only proceed if we reach minimum numbers. If a workshop is cancelled due to insufficient numbers your workshop fee will be refunded.
What workshops would you like to see at future retreats? Let us know so that we can source tutors.
Introducing Caring Crafters
We want everyone to experience the fun of a retreat so a special fund has been set up called Caring Crafters. How does it work? Anyone can donate into the fund, and then one person per retreat will be chosen to receive a free Day Pass. You can nominate yourself, or someone you believe deserves a great day out. If funds allow, the Pass may include a workshop, or one night of accommodation.
To donate: BSB 640000 Account number 111304031
To nominate: Please request a form from the shop. (we hope to have it available online soon).
**Project** We are aiming to gradually build some bunting to decorate our retreat crafting space. Each person who attends a retreat is invited to donate one triangle to our bunting project as a lasting memento of their involvement. Triangles can be fabric, knitted, or crocheted (a great way to use up some scrap!), and must be 24cm high, with a base of 20cm. The theme for the bunting is “50 Shades of Pink” so anything with a hint of pink is welcome.
Can’t quite make the full retreat? Why not get a taste of the Retreat with a Day Pass?
Day Passes include: morning and afternoon tea, lunch, and hall hire.
1 day – $80 per person
2 days – $140 per person
3 days – $200 per person
If you choose to stay and have dinner with us, this is not included in the Day Pass, but you are welcome to dine with us at the pub at your own cost.
Need to stay the night? We have negotiated special rates with the Dartmouth Motor Inn which covers accommodation and breakfast.
To book a day pass or a workshop please call the shop on 0484 858 588 (or pop in and see us!)
To book accommodation, or a full retreat please call Debbie on 0428 603 025
What about April?
We want to make the retreats as accessible as possible for everyone, so we would like your input. Would you prefer Friday 29/04-Sunday 01/05 OR Monday 16/05-Thursday 19/05? Please let us know asap so that we can start planning.
Love sewing or embroidery? Want to create amazing things with your sewing machine? Keep an eye on the events tab of our Facebook page for a very exciting workshop in July!
If you have any questions regarding the retreats, please contact the store.
We can’t wait to craft with you!
Jedda and Shelley